Having no idea where to start or what to do, I started with a backpack design, doing some googling around, and found a US Based manufacture, I sent them an email and very quickly found out I needed a prototype created before I could do anything. Going back to Google, searching and emailing getting turned down, or told hundreds of dollars an hour to get a prototype created, I set my idea to the side. However, I didn’t forget about it.

Cruising the gram, I stumbled upon The Brown Buffalo and quickly became a fan. Following The Brown Buffalo led me to find @canvasworkers. Canvas Workers is the workshop held at The Brown Buffalo where you get the opportunity to learn about pattern making, sewing techniques, materials, and bag making principles with hands-on experience by making your very own market tote and backpack. With my idea still on my mind, I took this as a sign and jump on this experience.

With no experience sewing or ever thinking about tackling this feat of making my own prototype, I would say this class has been life-changing. Not just with a new skill of sewing, but a new outlook on all Softline manufacturing. This is also a great class to make some new friends and great connections.